Carefully review your shipping information for accuracy before submitting your order. Once an order is placed, the shipping address cannot be changed online. Here’s what you need to do based on your order status:
- Pending: You can simply leave the order as is and place a new one.
- Shipment Transfer: Contact Customer Service as quickly as possible to make changes.
- Shipped: It depends on the carrier's service. Some carriers offer an address change service for an additional fee. If you need assistance, you can still contact Customer Service to check the possibility of making changes.
If the carrier delivering your order does not offer an address change service, you will need to receive your order at the original shipping address or contact the carrier directly for assistance. If the address is invalid, the package may be destroyed or returned to the sender. In this situation, you will be charged a penalty, which may include additional shipping charges and handling fees.
Please note that changes are not guaranteed until you receive a confirmation from our Customer Service.