User Guide

Return or exchange due to initial defects

Please inspect immediately upon product arrival

If the product is different from your order or damaged please contact us within 7 days of delivery.

If in stock we will exchange for a good product and cover return shipping.

If out of stock we will arrange immediate shipment of the missing item

Important Information

  • Please contact us before returning items as the return address may not be our headquarters.We cannot accept items sent without prior notice.
  • If you arrange assembly or installation services yourself and the work cannot be completed due to product defects or requires reassembly or reinstallation we cannot cover those costs.
  • We are not liable for any damages arising from the purchase or use of the product including financial compensation.(Product-only warranty does not cover damage to stored items, floors, or buildings, or color transfer caused by the product.)
  • There may be a delay in delivery for the replacement item similar to the initial shipment.
  • We will cover the shipping costs for exchanges and returns but customers are responsible for disassembling and packaging the product.We apologize for any inconvenience caused by product issues and appreciate your understanding.
  • Exchange is not possible for items other than the purchased ones.

Returns Exchanges Refunds for Customer Convenience

Returns for the following reasons are considered buyer's responsibility return shipping costs must be covered by the buyer.

  • Due to differences in perception such as image discrepancy order errors texture temperature feel or touch.(Example of Image Discrepancy Color Different from Screen Larger or Smaller than Expected Product Smell Product Functionality Variations)
  • If the product does not fit the installation space or size.
  • Natural wood products may have variations in knots, color tones, grain patterns, and shades that differ from product images.
  • If there are any damages stains or wear caused by the customer during use.(Repair Disassemble Modify Drop Damage Malfunction)
  • Damage due to exceeding load capacity or usage frequency beyond expected limits.
  • Returns or exchanges due to product defects and other services are only available to customers who purchased directly from our store.Items purchased from sources other than our store, such as through online auctions or flea market sites, are not eligible.Thank you for your understanding.

Return Exchange Refund Process

Return Method

Product Issues Occurred Example Broken Wrong Item Missing

Prepare details of the issue your name contact information and phone number then contact us.

Contact Us

After confirming the contents please pack your items and send them to us.Packaging materials and packing must be prepared and done by the customer(You can return it in the original cardboard box).

Refund will be processed upon confirmation of product return to the warehouse.

Exchange Method

Product Issues Occurred Example Broken Wrong Item Missing

Prepare details of the issue your name contact information and phone number then contact us.

Contact Us

After confirming the contents please pack your items and send them to us.Packaging materials and packing must be prepared and done by the customer(You can return it in the original cardboard box).

We will ship a new product or part from our company.

If there are defective items to be returned please hand them to the delivery person with simple packaging in advance.